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Data Leaks - category SSN/DEBIT CARD Database

The data contains: Users: 1060651 Debit Card: 3602 File type: CSV Total size: 99.08 MB but it is not limited to: personally identifiable information (PII) such as names, and contact details;...


These Tools are for educational and pentesting purpose, it`s highly illegal to use them against networks without permission of the owner! I'm not responsible for any illegal usage! Please note: ...

[Leaks] Gmail accounts

#### [Leaks] Gmail accounts - File type: txt - File size: 900KB - Lines: 25000 ** email:password...

[Leaks] Amazon accounts

#### [Leaks] Amazon accounts - File type: txt - File size: 65KB - Lines: 1000 account ** email:password...

[Leaks] Israeli FB Database

#### [Leaks] Israeli FB Database - File type: csv - File size : (138.0 MB) - Lines: 4.0 millions ** phone,uid,email,first_name,last_name,gender,date_registered,birthday,location,hometown,rela...

[DB] /

#### [] Database - File type: sql - File size : (20.1 MB) * email,username,display name,password......

[DB] /

#### [] Database - File type: csv - File size : (15.0 MB) * email,name,country,phone,other phone,address...